17 Numbered Lists from History
From pages 52 to 60 of The Anatomy of Drunkenness (1834) by Robert Macnish
From pages 19 to 82 of The Danger of Premature Internment (1816) by Joseph Taylor
From Museum Clausum (1652) by Thomas Browne
From a set of stereographs held by the Harper Stereograph Collection of the Boston Public Library
From Catalogue of Napoleon Relics, Pictures and Other Works of Art and Curiosities (1901) compiled by W.Wheeler
From pages 497 to 532 of Researches, chemical and philosophical chiefly concerning nitrous oxide, or diphlogisticated nitrous air, and its respiration (1800) by Humphry Davy
From a transcription of Newton's notebook from 1662, known as the Fitzwilliam Manuscript
From pages 21 to 23 of Our Home Counselor: A Practical Cyclopedia for Daily Use (1873) by L.W. Yaggy
From Descriptive illustrated catalogue of the sixty-eight competitive designs for the great tower for London (1890) compiled and edited by Fred. C. Lynde for the Tower Company
From page 5 of Lord Byron's Dreambook (1886) by the Serial Leaflet Publishing Company
From pages 221 to 226 of The Sexual Life of our Time in its Relations to Modern Civilization (1909), by Iwan Bloch, translated by M. Eden Paul
From pages 722 to 728 of The Sexual Life of our Time in its Relations to Modern Civilization (1909), by Iwan Bloch, translated by M. Eden Paul
From The expositor or, Many mysteries unravelled (1805) by William Frederic Pinchbeck
From pages 188 and 189 of The Anatomy of Drunkenness (1834) by Robert Macnish
From pages 57 to 71 of Principles of Politeness, and of Knowing the World (1786) by Lord Chesterfield
From pages 102 to 379 of The Great Sea-serpent: An historical and critical treatise (1892) by A. C. Oudemans (or condensed on pages 485 to 494)
Giuseppe Arcimboldo / 16. Detail from A Club of Gentlemen (ca.1730) by Joseph Highmore / 17. See source above
Feb 4, 2015