The Knife Throwing Mother (1950)
A series of animated GIFs excerpted by Okkult Motion Pictures from a short Universal Newsreel from 1950, in which the knife thrower Louella Gallagher performs with her two daughters: Connie Ann of 5 years and Colleena Sue 2 and 1/2.
You can see the full film featured on The Public Domain Review here and also on the Internet Archive as part of the Prelinger Archives collection.
See more creations from Okkult Motion Pictures here in our Animated GIFs Collection.
Okkult Motion Pictures is the brainchild of Marco Calabrese and Alessandro Scali from Turin, Italy. With the Excerpts project, Okkult Motion Pictures aims to bring to light the most interesting and unusual out-of-copyright moving images occulted in Internet archives, through a series of animated gifs. A digital archivalism project for the diffusion of open knowledge. Okkult Motion Pictures official website: / Facebook / Twitter
All Okkult animated GIFs published here under a CC-BY-SA license.
Jul 7, 2013