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Pied Beauty: Wari Tie-Dye Textiles (ca. 425–1100)
Perpetual Movement: Francis Picabia’s 391 Review (1917–1924)
Christoph Jamnitzer’s Neuw Grotteßken Buch (1610)
Anton Seder’s The Animal in Decorative Art (1896)
Yellow Silence: Miniature from the Silos Apocalypse (ca. 1100)
Johannes Hartlieb’s Book of Herbs (1462)
Programming Prayer: The Woven Book of Hours (1886–87)
“Chinese Arabesques” by Jean-Baptiste Pillement and Anne Allen (ca. 1790–99)
The Little Journal of Rejects (1896)
Edith Wharton’s Italian Villas and their Gardens (1904)
Grotesqueries at Gethsemane: Marcus Gheeraerts’ Passio Verbigenae (ca. 1580)
A Family Tree: Hippolyte Hodeau’s Trench Art (ca. 1917)
The Art of Sutherland Macdonald, Victorian England’s “Michelangelo of Tattooing” (ca. 1905)
Sheet Music Covers for the Gotham-Attucks Company, ca. 1905–1911
Paper Gems: Early Modern Blackwork Prints
The Landlord's Game: Lizzie Magie and Monopoly's Anti-Capitalist Origins (1903)
Chromolithographs of Paper Lanterns (ca. 1880)
The “Madame B Album” (ca. 1870s)
Specimens of Fancy Turning (1869)
Punctuation Personified (1824)
“Though Silent, I Speak”: A Book of Sundial Mottoes (1903)
Ellen Harding Baker's “Solar System” Quilt (1876–ca. 1883)
Shadows from the Walls of Death (1874)
Phantom Bouquets: Two Books on the Art of Skeleton Leaves (1864)
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