Browsing: Shop / Fine Art Prints / Daylight Bombshells
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Paper Type
Premium fine art paper: 100% cotton, acid-free, archival
Frame Type
Museum quality Giclée print
Premium fine art paper, 100% cotton, acid-free, archival
1" border
Image Size: 8.7" x 12" – Total Size: 10.7" x 14"
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Japanese designs for "daylight" fireworks from a ca. 1883 catalogue of the Hirayama Fireworks company. According to Alan St. Hill Brock daylight fireworks originated in Japan and were not really “fireworks” as we have come to know them. Instead of pyrotechnic effects, the daylight projectile contained “a grotesque balloon in the form of an animal, human figure, or other form, which, being open and weighted at the lower end, becomes inflated as it falls and remains in the air for a considerable period.”(Source: Yokohama City Central Library)