Browsing: Shop / Fine Art Prints / Eclipse of the Sun by the Earth as Seen from the Moon

Eclipse of the Sun by the Earth as Seen from the Moon

James Nasmyth, ca. 1873

Image Size
Paper Type
Premium fine art paper: 100% cotton, acid-free, archival
Frame Type
Museum quality Giclée print
Premium fine art paper, 100% cotton, acid-free, archival
1" border
Image Size: 11.5" x 9" – Total Size: 13.5" x 11"
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Famous for his development of the steam hammer, the engineer James Hall Nasmyth (1808–1890), after retiring at the age of 48 years old, pursed his hobby of astronomy. As well as building his own 20-inch reflecting telescope and so inventing the "Nasmyth focus", he co-wrote The Moon: Considered as a Planet, a World, and a Satellite (1873). The image here is one a several featured in the book. (Image source: Rijksmuseum)