subject – Maps
- Sanborn Map of Manhattan Sanborn Map Company, 1903
- Sanborn Map of Brooklyn Sanborn Map Company, 1887
- The Sentient Beings According to the Burmese Anonymous, 1906
- Hell According to the Burmese Anonymous, 1906
- The Habitations of the Sentient Beings According to the Burmese Anonymous, 1906
- Forts Zeelandia and Provintia and the City of Tainan Anonymous, ca. 19th century
- The Russian Octopus Augusto Grossi, 1878
- Map of Europe for 1870 Paul Hadol, 1870
- Burmese Map of the World Anonymous, 1906
- This Porcineograph Forbes Lithograph Manufacturing Company, ca. 1875
- Isochrone Map of Travel Times from Paris E. Martin and E. Chevaillier, 1882
- Real Estate Map of New York City Wood, Harmon & Co., 1906
- Japanese Wall Map of Japan Unknown, 1875
- San Francisco Peninsula United States Coast Survey, 1869
- Johnson's Mountains and Rivers Chart Alvin J. Johnson, 1864
- Des Barres Map of New York City and Harbor David T. Valentine, after Joseph Des Barres, 1864
- The Constellations Elijah Hinsdale Burritt, 1856
- Mountains and Rivers J. H. Colton, 1855
- Japanese Map of the World Suido Nakajima, 1853
- Map of the Winds Jan Janssonius, 1650
- First Map of the North Pole Gerard Mercator and Jodocus Hondius, 1606
- Plan of New Orleans Philip Pittman, 1770
- New York Ferdinand Mayer and Sons, ca. 1873
- Los Angeles Britton and Rey, ca. 1888